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We have 10 KS2 (year 3-6) classes.

Year 3 classes:

Tulip - Miss Bartholomew

Poppy - Mrs Levell

Daffodil - Miss Lawton

Year 4 classes:

Sunflower - Mrs Warren

Thistle - Mr Stockham

Year 5 classes:

Ash - Mrs Brown

Holly - Mrs Scott

Year 6 classes:

Sycamore - Mrs Toms 

Oak - Mrs Rees

Beech - Mrs Chapman

Residential trip information 2024




KS2 Curriculum Statement

National Curriculum subjects are taught discretely but links are made between subject areas where this is deemed appropriate and beneficial to children’s learning. Maths and English are taught daily and children are given regular opportunities to apply their skills in reading, writing and maths across a range of subject areas. To bring learning to life, school visits, visitors and celebration events are a mainstay of the curriculum and wherever possible children learn through first-hand experience. It is our aim to ensure that the curriculum we teach builds on the individual talents and expertise of our children so that all have the opportunity to shine. Our children learn how to respect each other and to respect diversity, preparing them for life in a multi-cultural society.

Curriculum Drivers

To ensure that our curriculum meets the specific needs of our children and school community, stakeholders, including staff, governors, children and parents agreed that the following aspects should be the key drivers that permeate our curriculum:

Through our curriculum we aim to:



Maths is taught using the White Rose Scheme and enhanced with Mastering Number sessions and Numbots in EYFS/KS1, and TimesTable Rock Stars in KS2. At Earls Barton Primary School we aim to give all children positive and fun experiences that will enable them to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding of the subject, as a result, our children develop a good understanding of place value and the four operations of number + - x and ÷.  We place a strong emphasis on shape and space with algebra and data handling, in line with the National Curriculum. Children are provided with problem solving activities, often relating to real life situations that give opportunities to use and apply their skills and knowledge.

Alongside explicit maths lessons, where they learn both written and mental methods, we aim to include mathematics where appropriate in our cross curricular activities, using practical, hands-on experiences wherever possible.


French is taught weekly to all children in KS2 as the main foreign language. In year 2, children can get a taster of languages via a lunchtime french club organised by one of our governors.