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Curriculum KEYS: Values, Horizons, Equity, World, Love

Values Horizons Equity World Love







Music is a powerful subject which has a huge impact on mental health and well being. It should be an enjoyable experience for all those who participate in it. Children should participate in a range of experiences including performance ( both singing and playing), composition and developing an understanding of different genres of music from different time periods. 

Music is taught as a discrete subject on a weekly basis in all year groups from EYFS through to year 6. The Charanga music scheme is used as a basis for music work accompanied by a discrete composition and music appreciation session each half term. Weekly singing assemblies are held in both EYFS/KS1 and KS2 separately. NMPAT provide peripatetic lessons on a range of instruments. Music is important to the life of the school and this is shown through extra-curricular activities which include Junior and Senior choir and recorder clubs catering for different standards of playing. There are also performances involving all year groups at different times of the school year and participating in some community music events. 

The impact of music teaching in this school will be seen by the raised profile of music as a subject throughout the school. Whole-school and parental engagement will be improved through performances, extracurricular activities and opportunities suggested in lessons/overviews for wider learning. Assessment will be developed so that G&T children can be identified early and encouraged to participate in extracurricular music activities / learn instruments. Participation in music develops wellbeing, promotes listening and develops concentration which will, in turn help work in other areas of the curriculum. The ultimate aim is to ensure that music is participated in with enthusiasm by teachers and pupils across school, encouraging them to want to continue building on this wealth of musical ability, now and in the future. 


Subject leader (and date since) 

Subject implementation / curriculum design 

How taught 

How assessed (what’s the impact?) 


Sarah Levell 

 Scheme used – Charanga music. This is used as a base for 4/6 sessions for terms 2,3,4 and 5. In terms 1 and 6 a unit written by the subject lead on general musicianship to link with the Model Music Curriculum is used.  Composition session x 1 and Music Appreciation session x 1 written by subject lead used each half term.  

Music taught as whole class in each year group from EYFs to Year 6 . It is taught as a discreet subject for one lesson a week of 45minutes – 1 hour  

Assessment grid developed with Can I statements on for each year group. For the year 2021-2022, this will be started in years 1 ,3 and 5  
