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 News from EBPS 7th February 2025

Dear parents and carers, 

Children's Mental health week 

This week is Children's mental health week and the theme is 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself' with the aim to equip and empower children and young people across the UK to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them. The charity Place 2 Be linked with Disney and the film “Inside Out 2” to look at different emotions that children may experience and how recognising these emotions and understanding them might help children better manage their mental health. In our school, every class has spent 20-30 minutes each day this week focussing on activities to improve mental health. Some of the activities the children have taken part in have included: “Islands Of Personality” activities (linked to the film), yoga, positive affirmations, mood boards, class bingo (to find out more about their classmates) and strategies to calm down when they feel themselves getting upset or angry. 

We hope your children have found these activities beneficial. We continue to do lots through our wider curriculum as well as PSHE to support children’s social, emotional and mental health and will continue to do so all year round! 


Our PTA committee met recently to plan their events for the rest of the year... look out for details of our joint World Book Day plans! The PTA were also delighted to receive a letter from Isaac and Oliver in Year Five requesting the PTA fund “National Geographic kids” for the school library – which the PTA were delighted to confirm they would! The PTA are always keen to hear from children with ideas for how they can spend their funds on ways to enhance our school. 

Asda Cash Pot 

Thank you very much to those who shop at Asda and have selected Earls Barton Primary School for their “cash pot” - this has raised £150 already! If you shop at Asda, please select our school as a recipient; it costs you £0 but supports with school fundraising! 

Celebration Assembly 

Two lovely Celebration Assemblies today! It was wonderful to read and share some children’s writing from their end of Ready, Steady Write unit outcome; we certainly have some budding authors in our school! Many more gold and silver awards were given out today too but the first platinum award has not quite been achieved yet – who will be first?! Well done to Thistle and Bluebell classes for winning the class reading competition and to Betsy (YR) and Savannah (Y6) for winning the individual reading prizes. 

INSET day 

Another reminder that next Friday, 14th February, is a teacher training day and the school is closed to children. It is then February half term. School re-opens on Monday 24th February at 8:45am. 

Parents’ evenings 

We look forward to welcoming lots of parents and carers into school next Wednesday from 4 – 7:30pm for our spring term in-person parent-teacher meetings. Our Y6 tour guides will be available to guide you to the classrooms 

Please enter via the Churchill road gate for Key Stage Two teachers and via the Broad Street entrance (alongside Earls Barton Library) for all Reception and Key Stage One appointments. The Reception steps and gates will not be open. Paths will be lit as much as possible and if you have appointments in both buildings, our tour guides will be able to escort you between the infant and junior buildings. 

There are still some virtual appointments left for Thursday 13th February 4 – 6pm, please log-in and book via ParentMail. 

A reminder also that representatives from Hatton Academies Trust will also be here during the evening to answer any questions you may have. They will be based beside the main school office and are keen to talk to as many parents and carers as possible to introduce themselves to the Earls Barton community. 


We did it!  We reached our goal of 96% attendance across the school.  Thank you for all your support in having your children in school and ready to learn.  Top three classes this week were Sunflower with 98.9%, Primrose with 99.6% and another 100% class this week is... Bluebell!  Well done. 

Wishing you a lovely weekend, 

Miss Lally & Mr Morris 


Letters home this week 

Celebration day reminder – EYFS only 

History topic – toys – Y1 only 

Young Voices information – Attendees only 

Senior choir cancelled 28th Feb – Senior choir only 

Invitation to be a parents’ evening tour guide – House captains only 

Y3 residential payment reminder 

Y6 residential payment reminder 

Parents’ evening booking invitation 


Housepoint sponsor – Haversley 

Fake news and scams 

EYFS sports club flyer 


Housepoint T2






Coming Soon...

12 Feb
Parents' evening face-to-face
Date Wed, 12 Feb 2025 16:00
13 Feb
End of term 3
Thu, 13 Feb 2025
24 Feb
Start of term 4
Mon, 24 Feb 2025
28 Feb
Young voices trip
Fri, 28 Feb 2025
28 Feb
Y2 Great Fire of London day
Fri, 28 Feb 2025