News from EBPS 7th March 2025
Dear parents and carers,
Another sunny week which has been lovely! Hopefully you have noticed that our new classroom extension now has roof trusses! It has been great to see the progress on this accelerate since January, helped by the good weather. We look forward to seeing the progress continue at pace and for the first children to be able to enter the new build in a few weeks for a tour and to take some photos to share with the school in assemblies.
World Book Day
This was a fantastic day focussed on “Reading your Way” and promoting a love of reading; sharing new authors, new books and reading in fun and different ways. It was great to see children cuddled up with cushions and blankets, reading in dens and with torches and creating lots of fun crafts linked to their Roald Dahl book.
Every child will leave school today with a new World Book Day book to keep.
Thanks to the PTA for their support in running the World Book Day shops all day yesterday and today and for the fantastic Wonka bar fundraiser.
Please see separate letter regarding showing Respect for all staff and volunteers
Trips next week
There are lots of day trips happening next week! Reception go to West Lodge Farm on Wednesday, Y4 go to Stanwick lakes on Thursday and Y1 go to Woburn safari park on Friday!
Please be mindful of the coaches which will be on-site at the start and end of the day and ensure you park safely and legally so that the coaches can safely collect and drop-off the children. Thank you.
Celebration Assemblies
Well done to our stars of the week winners who were chosen this week for a variety of reasons: phonics, writing, showing STAR, being kind and being a great sport in PE. Well done also to our chosen Hot Chocolate Friday winners.
The winning reading classes were Tulip and Violet. The individual reading winners were Isla-Marie and Zofia. Well done and keep reading: 5 times at home please with an adult verifying this in the planner.
This week’s whole school attendance was 96.51 which means we achieved the school target of 96%. This was helped by the top three classes, Poppy, Lavender and Sunflower, all having 100% attendance!! Ash class were very close behind them with 99.63%.
Thanks to Earls Barton Music
A special thanks to Earls Barton Music and Jon Rees who led a “Joseph” musical workshop in school this week for Years 4 and 5 and performed their show to these children at the Methodist Church this afternoon. The reviews were amazing! Do go and see it if you can! Tonight at 7pm, tomorrow at 2pm and 7pm. Tickets available online here: – Earls Barton Music
Vacancy in school
We have a vacancy for a lead lunchtime supervisor to oversee the Infants (Reception and Key Stage one) lunchtime arrangements. If you are interested, the vacancy is on our website and on the Teach Northants website.
Trip payments
To run educational trips, linked to the curriculum, we rely on voluntary contributions from parents. Currently we have nearly £1,000 outstanding between the three trips planned for next week: Year 4 trip to Stanwick Lakes, Year 1 trip to Woburn Safari Park and EYFS trip to West Lodge Farm. This is a reminder that, if you haven’t already paid the voluntary contributions towards these trips next week, to please do so. Any shortfalls will not come from contributions already received but will have to be found out of our already tight budget.
Also, a reminder that the residential payment deadlines are Friday 7th March for Year 3 and Friday 28th March for Year 6.
Music tuition available in KS2
We are lucky to have Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts service providing music tuition in school to pupils in KS2 (Years 3-6). We host peripatetic teachers of guitar, keyboard, strings and brass instruments in school. If you are interested in booking music lessons for your child, please email - or register with NMPAT here. For more information, please visit their website here.
A reminder that up-coming school events, including details and communication, can be found on the school’s website calendar.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Miss Lally & Mr Morris
“Stay Connected” newsletter for parents
North Northamptonshire March 2025 Stay Connected
Please see above the link above to access a “Sway” newsletter which focuses on all the amazing events, clubs and groups that families, children and young people can access across the county that are free or affordable to attend.
This has been shared by Tonya Kingham Community Connector for North Northamptonshire | Partnership Support Team. (The events / links are not checked or endorsed by school).
Letters home this week
Important letter about respect from Miss Lally and Mr Morris
Y2 SATS information session for parents' invitation
World Book Day reminder
New spelling app – Y1-Y6 only
Head lice letter – Bluebell class only
Y1 phonics session parent invitation
Y2 seaside trip to Hunstanton
Ash class staffing update
Y4 Stanwick trip payment reminder and volunteer invitation
EYFS World Book Day
Junior choir concert – Tuesday 25th March
Young Voices Update – Senior choir only
Housepoint sponsor – Haversley
Using technology to boost reading skills