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Curriculum KEYS: Values, Horizons, Equity, World, Love

Values Horizons Equity World Love






The Religious Education curriculum at Earls Barton Primary School is designed to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and to gain an understanding of and empathy for the beliefs of others. Our aim is to give our children the knowledge and skills to thrive within both their local community and the wider world. Our progressive curriculum allows the children to understand key similarities and differences between religions as well as progress to understand how people implement these beliefs into their everyday lives. Our aim is to prepare our children for life in a diverse and multicultural world, to help them develop an awareness of the fundamental questions raised by their experiences and how religious teachings can relate to them. As the children’s understanding develops they will be able to respond to such questions with reference to a number of religions as well as relating them to their own understanding and experience.

The scheme of work followed allows children to learn about world religions and faiths through enquiry, investigation and understanding beliefs. The syllabus also enables them to learn from religion and beliefs by questioning, exploring and reflecting on their own and other’s experiences.  The children at EBPS will learn a variety of elements of Christianity in each year group along with another world religion including Judaism, Islam, Humanism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Hinduism. The children’s knowledge will develop through the school as they learn about a new religion’s basic principles, their holy book, key people, key celebrations, place of worship and important stories and teaching. They are then able to compare and contrast different faiths and consider key questions within each unit of work. Through the year, the children will interact with visitors representing faith groups, visit religious buildings and have celebration days to immerse them in the culture and festivals. In doing so, the children will create memories and experiences that promote positive engagement with each religion as they progress through school.

Through our curriculum, we aim to educate our children in the variety of religions that exist in the world. We aspire for our children to understand that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and that it is important to welcome and celebrate our differences and to be accepting of one another. We want our children to leave EBPS ready for their next step in education with an open mind and an awareness of society’s diversity. They should be role models to others in how to understand and appreciate differences. The aim of our RE curriculum is to provide our children with the skills, knowledge and understanding to make a positive contribution to our society as they mature.


Subject leader

Subject implementation / curriculum design 

How taught 

How assessed (what’s the impact?) 


Jo Chambers

The RE curriculum is based on Northamptonshire’s Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. This is adapted to fit the needs of our children at EBPS.

RE is taught as a discrete lesson to the whole class from EYFS to Year 6 for 45 minutes – 1 hour per week.

Progression of skills and understanding monitored through conversations with children and looking at books. Formative assessment can be made on planning sheets at the end of the session to inform future teaching and learning. End of key stage data to Northamptonshire SACRE at the end of each academic year.

Religious Education