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We have three classes in Early Years Foundation Stage:

Buttercup - Miss Luca

Daisy - Mrs Bryan

Clover - Miss Dangerfield

Early Years Foundation Stage Presentations to Parents

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum 

In the Foundation Stage we plan and deliver the EYFS curriculum through a themed /topic approach. Therefore learning is cross curricular and not compartmentalised into discrete subjects for our young learners. This also ensures that the topics we teach will cover all 7 areas of the EYFS Curriculum both indoors and out. The development matters statements that we cover are set out in the long term plan. It also shows in brief activities that will match the delivery of these objectives (development matters statements and Early learning goals.) The long term plan is also intended to ensure coverage of the EYFS Curriculum but being mindful that some statements are on-going and not necessary hierarchical. It has been planned with progression in mind so that we are moving learning on and building on basic skills. Children working at exceeding levels and beyond will be planned for using exceeding and Year One National Curriculum statements. The long term plan will be altered/added to for this purpose.

Medium Term Planning

For each topic a medium term plan is written that shows in detail how we intend to meet the objectives for all 7 areas of the EYFS. It also clearly sets out the skills, language development, cross curricular learning and how previous learning can be built upon. In addition to this it shows opportunities where children can apply what they have learnt through child initiated opportunities and planned independent tasks.

Context for teaching topics

Where appropriate and relevant our aim is to provide children with as many first hand experiences as possible, through school visitors and trips out. We will further enhance these opportunities and learning through a play based curriculum. For example for our journeys topic it may not be possible to go to a real airport but we aim to create that context and role play scenario for the children and make it as real as possible.

How long will each topic last?

This will depend on the needs and interests of the children in our setting. Observations and evaluations will inform these changes.

Continuous and enhanced provision

In our Foundation Stage setting we provide and plan for areas of continuous provision. These areas are available on a daily basis for children to select resources from. They are carefully planned so that the provision we are enhancing is linked to the weekly learning intentions/development matters statements, children needs, interests and skill development.

Timetabling of the day

The timetable of the day is set up to ensure that the children have interrupted periods of time to become engaged in their play and follow their own lines of enquiry. Children know that they can return to a project that they have started and the adults in the setting value and support children to do this. Throughout the day we ensure a balance of adult focused teaching sessions, adult structured independent tasks and opportunities for child initiated play. During these sessions the adults in the setting will be observing play to see where it is appropriate to intervene and extend learning through questioning that challenges children’s thinking. As the year progresses there will be shift in the balance of teaching sessions as we prepare children for the transition into Key Stage One.

Use of specific schemes within the EYFS curriculum

Religious Education

To teach RE we use the Northamptonshire Agreed Syllabus. Celebrations are planned at appropriate times during the term. The RE objectives cover a number of the development matters and ELG statements. This again ensures a cross curricular approach to learning.

Physical Education

We use the ‘Real P.E’. scheme to develop children’s balance, co-ordination and agility. Children also participate in termly playground challenges which provide opportunities to apply physical skills.


At Earls Barton Primary School we plan our phonics lessons using Read, Write Inc resources.


We use Kinetic Letters to develop the skills necessary for corect letter formation.

Foundation Curriculum Maps

Coming Soon...

21 Mar
World poetry day
Date Fri, 21 Mar 2025
21 Mar
Y2 parents SATS info session
Fri, 21 Mar 2025 09:00
24 Mar
Inclusion tea and talk
Mon, 24 Mar 2025 09:00
25 Mar
Junior choir concert
Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45
3 Apr
PTA Easter egg raffle
Thu, 03 Apr 2025