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We have five KS1 classes:

Year 1 classes:

Violet - Mrs Sturman and Mrs Stafford

Primrose - Mrs Chambers

Year 2 classes:

Bluebell - Mrs Hewitt

Snowdrop - Miss Sparkes

Year 1 and 2 class:

Lavender - Mrs Murphy and Mrs McManus


KS1 Curriculum statement

The Curriculum is defined as all the learning opportunities and other experiences that are organised and provided by the School. The Curriculum is not static, but is responsive to changes over time. The National Curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge around which teachers can develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.

At our school we strive to provide a learning environment that will contribute to children’s real lives both as they live them and as a preparation for their futures. We want to give our children memories that are golden and useful and as such we offer a broad and engaging curriculum that is literacy and numeracy rich. We believe that successful people of the future will be those who are resilient in the face of challenge, resourceful and full of strategies when uncertain and who are reflective learners, well aware of themselves and their own strengths and capabilities. On top of all this we want our children to develop the capacity and desire to learn in any context.


We plan our curriculum in three phases. We agree a long-term plan that indicates what themes are to be taught in each term. We review our long-term plan regularly. With our medium-term plans, we give clear guidance on the objectives and teaching strategies that we use when teaching each topic. Our short-term plans are those that our teachers write on a weekly or daily basis. We use these to set out the learning objectives and success criteria for each session, differentiation, vocabulary, and to identify what resources and activities we are going to use in the lesson. These plans are shared with Teaching Assistants.See below to find out more about our vibrant, ever evolving skills based curriculum.


At Earls Barton Primary School we plan our phonics lessons using Read, Write Inc alongside the Year 1 and 2 appendices of the National Curriculum. Sessions are supplemented using the Phonics Play programme. In Key Stage 1 children are taught in fluid ability groups to ensure rapid progress.


We believe that children should be taught a love of reading and a range of exciting texts are regularly read to our children. As well as extending children’s reading experience, this also increases their vocabulary.

The National Curriculum is used to enable skills to be taught at the correct level. Our individual reading books encompass a range of reading schemes and different genres. These books are colour banded ensuring that children are progressing using their phonic and word recognition knowledge as well as comprehension skills. We encourage children to read at home as often as possible and provide a reading log so that any relevant comments can be communicated between home and school.

We hold a book fair each autumn when children and parents can choose books from an exciting range.

Each class make a visit to the local village library once per term. This enables them to experience a wider range of texts whilst becoming conversant with the Dewey system, used in libraries to classify books.


At Earls Barton Primary School we use the National Curriculum to ensure a range of skills are taught at the correct level. Children learn to write a variety of text types including: stories, poetry, labels, captions, recounts and reports. Assessment is ongoing to ensure that children are taught their next steps.


We use Kinetic Letters to ensure continuity across the school.


Maths is an important element of everyday life. At Earls Barton Primary School we aim to give all children positive and fun experiences that will enable them to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding of the subject. We place a strong emphasis on the four rules of number as well as shape and space with algebra and data handling, in line with the National Curriculum. Children are provided with problem solving activities, relating to real life situations that give opportunities to use and apply their skills and knowledge.

Alongside explicit maths lessons, where they learn both written and mental methods, we aim to include mathematics where appropriate in our cross curricular activities, using practical, hands-on experiences wherever possible.


Listening to and making music enables self-expression and creativity. It stimulates emotional and intellectual responses and can be a lifelong source of pleasure. Music can also help to develop self-confidence, physical co-ordination and the skills of communication and co-operation.

At Earls Barton Primary School we teach class music mainly following the Music Express Scheme. The scheme enables children to develop musical skills as specified in the National Curriculum, as they progress through the school. In addition we sometimes plan music lessons to link more specifically to our topic work.

Skills include-

  • Developing awareness of musical elements and structures.
  • Playing a variety of percussion instruments both tuned and un-tuned.
  • Singing a variety of songs.
  • Creating simple pieces of music
  • Finding ways to write musical ideas down.
  • Performing music.
  • Listening to music.

Art and Design

Through looking at, discussing, exploring and practicing the techniques, children develop a visual perceptiveness and language with which they can explore the world around them and express their ideas and feelings. Art is experimental and explorative and is not just about the finished piece, but the whole creative process.

At Earls Barton Primary School Art and Design is integrated into each curriculum theme with children exploring a range of media such as paint, clay, felt and wood. They design their product using knowledge gained of the chosen medium before learning skills appropriate to the task.

Children are introduced to the work of a variety of established artists and explore techniques used in order to reproduce works in the style of that artist.

Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Development (PSHE)

PSHE/Citizenship (Personal, Social and Health Education / Citizenship) is included within our curriculum, especially through science, P.E. and core learning skills units. It includes everything our school does to promote pupils' good health and well-being or what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge and skills, so that they achieve their true potential.

Physical Education (P.E.)

A range of PE opportunities exist at Earls Barton Primary School.

During PE lessons the Real PE scheme of work is followed to enable children to challenge themselves at their personal level in a range of progressive fundamental skills and movements, these include balances, coordination and agility skills. These skills are taught and practiced across a range of activities that include throwing, running, jumping and catching. These skills are them consolidated in the devising and playing of team games which include elements of attacking and defending. The Real Dance scheme will be implemented upon publication, meanwhile dance is taught in discrete lessons linked to the children’s learning within their creative curriculum.

In addition to the PE skills taught, underpinning the scheme is the development of the whole child, allowing children to explore, develop and challenge themselves within personal, social, creative and cognitive areas of learning.

All children take part in our intra-school multi skills based playground challenges competitions. This enables them to work as a team as well as striving to improve their personal scores in a range of activities over the course of the year. Opportunities are also are given for children to participate in inter-school competitions within our school cluster.

We offer a wide range of extra curriculum opportunities and facilitate an annual Physical Literacy week to encourage children to try new activities and consolidate learning about the importance of keeping healthy. This holistic approach has the aim of developing young people who enjoy and have a good understanding about the importance of maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle.


At Earls Barton Primary School, we aim for our children to confidently and independently use and apply information technology skills to support and extend their learning.  We aim to develop a culture where the use of ICT becomes second nature to our pupils, thus ensuring they are ready and able to embrace the technological advances of the future.

Digital Literacy is a big part of the curriculum, with children learning how to use ICT safely – at regular points throughout the year children undertake e-safety sessions on topics such as keeping information safe, using a variety of activities, resources and workshops. There is an emphasis on learning skills for computing; these include programming, debugging and exchanging information.  


Science enables children to discover and investigate the world around them and to satisfy their natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge. At Earls Barton Primary School we aim to encourage children to think independently and to explore scientific ideas through investigation and experiments.  We use the National Curriculum to ensure a range of skills are taught at the correct level. These are incorporated within our termly themes which provides a purpose and relevance to learning.

Religious Education (R.E.)

RE enables children to investigate and reflect on some of the most fundamental questions asked by people. RE provides a caring environment where children feel secure and able to express their views and beliefs. They are taught to value their own opinions, whilst developing respect and sensitivity for the views of others. They are encouraged to reflect on questions concerning the nature and purpose of life and are given opportunities to think about what it means to have a faith. They are encouraged to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. Pupils are taught to understand the importance of the role that each individual has to play in the life of the school and of the wider community.

At Earls Barton Primary School we follow the Agreed Syllabus for Northamptonshire to teach RE. It is based around termly themes which introduce Learning about religion and belief and Learning from religion and belief.

The units in Key Stage 1 are as follows:

  • Books and stories in Christianity- What do Christians learn from the Bible?
  • Places in Christianity – What makes a place special for Christian people?
  • The family in Judaism - How does being Jewish make a difference to family and celebration?
  • People in Christianity- What can we learn from Jesus and St Francis?
  • The Torah- How does the Torah influence the lives of Jewish people?
  • Questions About God – How do a Christian’s ideas about God compare with my own?

RE is approached as much as possible through enquiry where the children are asked questions to reflect upon, investigate together and discuss. In their lessons they may carry out activities including the following: Drama; group work; talk partners; individual reflection; Use of music and art; Artefact handling; Visits and visitors; Use of ICT; photos, posters, videos/DVDs.

Parents have a right to withdraw their children from our religious provision and alternative arrangements are made.

Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding

At Earls Barton Primary School we believe that engaging our children in questions about people and events in the past helps them understand the present and prepare for the future. By understanding people’s relationships with the physical and built environment they can form ideas about how to live. Our children learn and understand the importance of developing a future that is sustainable.

We link learning to the local community wherever possible and often take learning out into the village or nearby towns, as well as inviting visitors in to impart their local knowledge. At other times we arrange for drama companies to help us bring learning alive.

KS1 Curriculum Maps

Coming Soon...

12 Mar
EY trip to West Lodge Farm
Date Wed, 12 Mar 2025
13 Mar
Y4 trip to Stanwick Lakes
Thu, 13 Mar 2025
13 Mar
Y1 Phonics info for parents
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 09:00
14 Mar
Y1 trip to Woburn Safari
Fri, 14 Mar 2025
21 Mar
World poetry day
Fri, 21 Mar 2025