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EY trip to West Lodge Farm

Earls Barton Local Calendar
Helen Dabrowski


Re: Reception trip to West Lodge Farm.

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of our curriculum work on growing and the world around us, we have organised a trip to West Lodge Farm for the children to provide hands-on learning and an experience of life on a working farm.


Day and Date: Tuesday 9th July 2024

Timings: Coach to depart at 9.15. Coach to arrive back at EBPS at 3.15 (drop off and collection as usual)

Special clothing / items required: suitable footwear i.e trainers, appropriate bottoms i.e leggings or joggers, school polo shirt/jumper, sun hats if the weather is warm and a raincoat.


The trip has been thoroughly planned and carefully risk assessed by the EYFS team, our Educational Visits Coordinator and by Miss Lally. A copy of the risk assessment is available upon request.

Voluntary Contributions

This trip is to enhance our curriculum and we are relying on parental contributions to enable the trip to take place. We would appreciate you paying a voluntary donation of £16.00 to cover the cost of this trip.

Please pay this amount via our ParentMail online payment system here or log in to your Parentmail mobile app. Payment to be received by Friday 7th June


Lunch arrangements

Children will need a packed lunch for this trip. Kingswood packed lunches can be provided for free for all children in Reception but these must be requested online here by Wednesday 3rd July.

If children bring their own packed lunch, it must be in a disposable carrier bag with a maximum of 2 drinks (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks), healthy snacks only please and no nuts due to allergies.


Yours sincerely,

The EYFS team