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Mufti day for charity donation

Earls Barton Local Calendar
Helen Dabrowski


Dear parents and carers,

This week is the start of our final fundraiser of the year!

On the week commencing 15th of July, we are hosting a talent show to raise money for Animals in Need where pupils can display their talents.

Auditions will be held the week commencing 8th July (this week) in class. To raise money for our local charity choice, it will cost £1 to audition in class and then a suggested donation of 50 p to watch the finals on Friday 19th July. Auditions will take place in the classroom and will be voted on by the children in their class. The top two from the audition round will then perform in the final in hall.

In addition, both buildings will have a mufti day on Friday 19th July, suggested donation of £1.

Please note that all money for the audition stage, audience fee for finals and mufti donation are all voluntary donations. Your child will still be able to audition and be an audience member if no donation is made.

Many thanks,

School Councillors Joey and Sophie