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Y2 Great Fire of London day

Earls Barton Local Calendar
Helen Dabrowski


Great Fire of London Day - Friday 28th February

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Next term, our History learning is all about the Great Fire of London. To launch our topic, we will be having a 'Great Fire of London' day' to find out about life at the time and begin to explore the event. The children are encouraged to come to school dressed as they would have been in 1666. Please find attached example pictures of what boys and girls could wear. 

There is no expectation that costumes should be bought and if children would prefer not to dress up, they can come in their usual school uniform.

As part of our learning, we will have a visit from the Fire Service to discuss fire safety and in the afternoon we will walk to the local fire station where we will get the opportunity to explore a fire engine.

Kind regards,

The Year 2 Team