Y2 trip Holdenby Muddy centre
Re: Year 2 trip to Holdenby Muddy Centre
Dear Parents and Carers,
As part of our curriculum work on habitats, we have organised a very exciting trip for the children to provide hands-on learning about animals in their habitats and how they survive.
Day and Date: Monday 20th May
Timings: Leaving school at 9:15 and returning before the end of the school day
Special clothing / items required: We hope it will be warm and dry but please send warm clothing that can get muddy, rain proof jackets, wellies and a change of shoes for the way back in a backpack.
Permission is required for this trip and this can be given on ParentMail.
The trip has been thoroughly planned and carefully risk assessed by the trip leader, our Educational Visits Coordinator and by Miss Lally. A copy of the risk assessment is available upon request.
Voluntary Contributions
This trip is to enhance our curriculum and we are relying on parental contributions to enable the trip to take place. We would appreciate you paying a voluntary donation of £17.00 to cover the cost of this trip via ParentMail. If insufficient voluntary contributions are received, this trip will not go ahead.
Lunch arrangements
Children will need a packed lunch for this trip. Kingswood packed lunches can be provided for free for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 but these must be ordered online by the Wednesday of the week before.
If children bring their own packed lunch, it should be in a backpack they can carry independently.
All children will need to bring their water bottles in a backpack and can bring an additional drink too, please no fizzy drinks.
We may need a few parents to accompany the Year 2’s on this trip, if you are available could you please let your child’s class teacher know by Friday 19th April. If we have lots of volunteers, we will pick names out of hat! Should be a brilliant day!
Yours sincerely,
Michelle Gould (Trip Leader)