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Y4 trip to Stanwick Lakes

Earls Barton Local Calendar
Helen Dabrowski


Dear Parents and Carers of children in year four,

As part of our new geography unit, we are very excited to announce that we have booked a field trip to Stanwick Lakes for our Year 4 children. The trip will take place on Thursday 13th March within the school day.

The trip has been thoroughly planned and carefully risk assessed by the Year 4 team, our Educational Visits Coordinator and by Miss Lally. A copy of the risk assessment is available upon request.

Purpose of the visit

Stanwick Lakes will be providing a ranger-led activity about rivers and the Nene Valley. They will visit key locations that demonstrate how the course of a river changes over time; how the river can be controlled to reduce the risk of flooding; how the power of the river can be harnessed; how the Nene Valley has changed over time; how the lakes were formed and the problems associated with erosion. During the session, the ranger will introduce and explain key words such as meander, erosion, deposition and transportation.

The children will be leaving and returning within school hours.


We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £13.50 per child to cover the coach travel and the ranger’s time and expertise. Please pay this amount via our ParentMail online payment system here or log in to your ParentMail mobile app. We ask for payments to be made by Friday 7th March. Please note, if insufficient voluntary contributions are received, regrettably, this visit may have to be cancelled. The total cost of the trip is divided equally by all children in the year group and the school budget cannot make up significant shortfalls in voluntary contributions.

Lunch arrangements

Children will need a packed lunch for this trip. Kingswood packed lunches must be requested online here by Wednesday 5th March.

If children bring their own packed lunch, it must be in a disposable carrier bag with a maximum of 2 drinks (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks), healthy snacks only please and no nuts due to allergies.

What to wear/ bring

We ask that children wear full school uniform and a waterproof coat to cope with all weathers. We also ask that children wear appropriate footwear for muddy conditions and elongated periods of walking.

Yours sincerely

The Year 4 team.