Y6 mock SATS week
Dear parents and carers of Year Six children,
Next week, 13th January 2025, in school we are holding a "mock SATs" week to give the children an opportunity to practise completing the SATs test they have to complete in school during Key Stage Two assessment week which this year is week commencing Monday 12th May 2025.
Next week we will run with the same format as SATs week will be:
-Monday: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling tests
-Tuesday: Reading test
-Wednesday: Maths tests 1 (arithmetic) and 2 (reasoning)
-Thursday: Maths 3 (reasoning)
The majority of children will complete the test in their classroom. Some children will complete their tests in small groups with known adults supporting them, in other areas within the Key Stage Two building.
Following mock SATs week, teachers will mark the test papers and report to the children and to you their raw scores, scaled scores and whether they have "met the expected standard" for Year Six or not. We will use the mock SATs papers to target particular areas of learning for revision and consolidation in the coming months. We will also be grouping the children differently after mock SATs week based on their needs and put together groups of children with similar "gaps" in their knowledge to ensure we help every child to achieve their potential. We want to ensure as many of the children as possible achieve the expected standard for Year Six as this means the children will be in a strong position when they start Year Seven to cope with the academic learning of secondary school.
We do not want the children to feel stressed by mock SATs week or by SATs and will do all we can to support their emotional well-being throughout the tests. Mock SATs is our opportunity to make sure we can put in place all necessary arrangements, support and provision for the children in May. If, following mock SATs week, you or your child feel that there are any other adaptations or support needed, then please speak to your child's class teacher.
Following this, at 9am on Tuesday 28th January, we would like to invite you to attend a presentation in the ks2 hall . This session will provide valuable insights into SATs, along with practical tips on how you can support your child in achieving their best. At 9.20am, you will have the opportunity to work with your child in their classroom where you can see an example of a SATs paper in action. We aim to finish by 10am.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
The year 6 team.