The secret is finally out!!!
The work in progress is complete and we are delighted to announce that we now have a brand new, and very exciting, school LIBRARY.
On 22 November, we were pleased to welcome the award winning author and illustrator, Rob Biddulph, to perform the grand opening, watched over by our school councillors and key staff. He was with us for the majority of the day talking to all children in assemblies, and even teaching all of those in key stage one and early years how to draw a dinosaur. Children had the opportunity to pre-purchase one of his books including ‘Odd Dog Out’, which had actually been used in class as a stimulus for work during our anti-bulling week. Rob signed each book, even taking time to add an illustration alongside his signature. Children were in awe later that day as each of their classes had a time slot to visit the library and experience the sea theme, which includes water features and relaxing music as well as a myriad of undersea creatures, not forgetting all the comfy furnishings. The water wall can also be viewed on entry into the school office, a bonus for the well-being of the office staff, and has been quite a talking point for our parents, pre-schoolers and visitors ever since.
The sea theme continued that week for our year 2 children as they were further ‘hooked’ into their learning by a visit to the Sealife Centre in Birmingham. A wonderful time was had by all and I am sure the learning gained will transfer into their writing and science back in school.
Meanwhile, in that very same week, year 5 children also went on a trip to further their learning but, rather than delve below the oceans, they zoomed off in the opposite direction, into space courtesy of the Space Centre near Leicester.
Science seems to have had a real emphasis this term actually with Wrenn school supporting learning by offering workshops to our children here in school. So far it has been Yucky- Sticky body workshop for KS1 and for lower key stage 2 skeletons (Them bones, Them bones!). Year 6 meanwhile are looking forward to their workshop in December entitled Skin, Blood and More!
- Rob Biddulph with the School Council Rob Biddulph with the School Council
- Drawing dinosaurs in KS1 assembly Drawing dinosaurs in KS1 assembly
- The School Council in the library The School Council in the library
- Our wonderful new library Our wonderful new library
- Year 5 trip to the Space Centre Year 5 trip to the Space Centre
- KS1 Yucky Sticky Body workshop KS1 Yucky Sticky Body workshop