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Our school focus value this term is “Excellence” which I think is very appropriate given the way the Earls Barton Primary School community have worked together to re-open our school in this post-COVID era. The risk assessments were written, the staff training occurred and the contingency plans were all in place, all that was needed was the children to return!  


It was a delight to welcome back our children in Years 1 – 6 on Friday 3rd September. Fittingly, we had a rainbow balloon arch over the main gate and positive, upbeat music to welcome the children back to school. The children were delighted to be back in school: seeing friends; beginning new topics; learning new things; singing; playing and starting to get a semblance of normality back into their lives.  

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It will, inevitably, take some time to fully adjust back to the old ways of working as we cautiously proceed towards the “new normal”. Some children were in school such a short while before the first lockdown that the everyday joys of assemblies and sharing a playground with friends from other classes is almost new to them. We pride ourselves on the pastoral care we have in-place for all children who need it. We have a dedicated pastoral team who are available to support all children who need a little bit of extra help or reassurance in these challenging times. 


 We are taking the path out of COVID slowly and I am pleased to say our families support this approach and are working with us to try and keep COVID out of school. Hand-washing remains a vital and frequent part of our everyday routines and we are proceeding with caution for visitors and whole school events which are both on hold for the time-being. Nonetheless, we feel our children are having an excellent time being back in school with a full curriculum of lessons, sports, art, music, singing and extra-curricular clubs to enjoy already this term. 

Singing 2




On Wednesday 8th September, we welcomed our new Reception children into the school community. As a parent of a Reception child myself, I understand the emotional wrench of your child starting “big school” and I am delighted that these new families have entrusted their most precious possession to us to start their learning journey. We sent the parents home with a little gift bag and poem written by our excellent Reception team and I am sure the children will have a fantastic first day in the wonderful Earls Barton Primary School community and will go home smiling. 

Our September in school has been excellent so far and I am looking forward to leading the school and building on this excellence in the months and years ahead. 

Miss Marie Lally 


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