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My goodness, where has the year gone! This is our last news piece for this academic year, and my last one as Head of our wonderful village school. I have loved having the regular opportunity to be able to share with you a glimpse into the many varied facets of our school life. I know the new Head, Mr Ribbins, will enjoy being a part of the community, not only EBPS but also the village.

Last month I left you waiting news of several planned events. The first in June was our traditional June Rose Day. Unfortunately, the weather was not kind to us on the actual day despite, the sun shining on our rehearsal the day before. We switched the venue to the key stage two hall and invited just the year 2 parents as this is really an event for children in that year group to perform for their families. The ‘Royal’ party looked wonderful as they processed regally in and took their positions and the country dancers coped so well with the restricted space available. We were so proud of everyone!

On Monday 17th June ten Year 1 and 2 children, took part in a fabulous Tri Golf festival at Wollaston Secondary School. There were lots of different activities to try and it was led by Wollaston young leaders, many of whom had been pupils at Earls Barton Primary. A fantastic time was had by all, and the staff who went were really proud of the children's enthusiasm and the way in which they conducted themselves. Congratulations also go to the Year 6 girls who represented us at a Kwik Cricket tournament. They all played well and showed great sportsmanship throughout the competition. They came 3rd overall and here they are showing off their bronze medals, after a great day of cricket. 

The Year 3 and 4 staff were very impressed with all the super Roman projects that were brought in after the Whitsun break. There was everything from talking Power Point presentations to models of the Coliseum, helmets and shields, and Roman food! It was fantastic to see such a variety of projects and hearing the children talk about what they learnt. It was lovely to see so many parents coming round to see all the projects. Over 90 parents visited their Year 3 and 4 children in school! Not to mention the 240 family members who came into school to work alongside their children as part of our Art day.

Several classes have shared their learning with parents over the last month too. Buttercups performed their class assembly showcasing their learning from their recent topic ‘To Infinity and Beyond’. The children sang songs, told a story and shared artwork and writing with the audience. Daisy class made their teacher so proud in their first ever class assembly! They told their audience the facts they have learnt about the different planets, sang some songs and showed off their fantastic artwork.

Tulip Class meanwhile, were really excited to perform their class assembly on the Romans. They remembered all of their lines and the words and actions to the Roman numerals song. They taught us about Roman soldiers, their inventions, and we even had archaeologists investigating the Roman diet, by examining their poo!

Poppy class also enjoyed a successful assembly. They showcased their suspense writing, created suspense music with instruments and demonstrated how to weave. Memories were also shared of their recent residential to Caythorpe. The assembly ended with a rendition of the 'Pizza Man' Song which the children had enjoyed singing as they marched between activities whilst there.

Sunflower class really enjoyed performing to their parents too in their recent class assembly. They have had great fun revisiting all their learning this year and loved having the opportunity to share some of their favourite bits. The audience particularly enjoyed your grand finale where you showed off your musical skills with the boom whackers. Well done Sunflowers!

Caythorpe, was the new destination this year for our year 3 children following the closure of the Grendon site. Further to travel yes, but this just added to the adventure.! These are some of the responses children gave on their return:
“I surprised myself at rock climbing because I got to the top!”
“Definitely go to Caythorpe because you will really enjoy it. It was my favourite school trip.” “I thought the whole thing was fantastic—superb!”
“The food was really yummy!”
“The zip wire was my favourite thing.”
“I learned how to be brave on the boat and zip wire. I was scared to go on them, but when I went on them, I enjoyed them, so I wanted to go again.”
“I learned that I can do survival and I will not be scared of anything high, as long as its safe.”

As soon as Year 3 arrived back, we waved off our Year 6 children as they began their week long residential to Swanage. They had a glorious time and the sun shone for their whole stay. After making beds and unpacking, they headed straight for the beach! In the evening, they swam in the pool and played rounders on the field! During the week groups kayaked, explored Durleston Country Park, headed back to the beach to play games, enjoyed the campfire with camp songs and some excellent Earls Barton’s Got Talent performances before, finally going crabbing, learning about the shoreline and taking part in a tour of Swanage! The children were amazing and a real credit to the school and their parents. We had many compliments on their behaviour and manners from the members of the public and the centre staff so they should be very proud of themselves.

On a final note, we were delighted to be able to support the village festival again this year by having our wonderfully talented musicians and singers take part in the village musical extravaganza at All Saints Church. Also, to be part of the carnival. It was fabulous to see our children leading the parade in key roles and also all the children in EYFS and key stage one who took the trouble to walk with us dressed as characters from the ‘Wizard of Oz’. It was also my privilege to be part of the church service that welcomed the new vicar into our community. I hope she has many opportunities to be involved with life in our school.
All of the above, as with the countless pieces I have written for the magazine over the last eight years, will stay in my memory for many years to come as I now start a new phase in my life, called retirement! Thank you for taking the time to read these pieces each month and for the community support given to the school in various guises over the years during my headship. I know the community will give a warm welcome to my successor, Mr Ribbins, and the school will continue to go from strength to strength. I wish you all a wonderful summer and a very sunny future!

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