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We have certainly moved into the final term of the year with a spring in our step here at EBPS with lots of amazing opportunities and experiences for our children. I believe that Primary school is about more than just academic learning; it is about creating lifelong learners who have a thirst and love for learning and part of this in ensuring memorable and engaging special events for the children which “hook” them in and inspire them, it is also about purposeful and real-life learning within and beyond the classroom. We have certainly seen plenty of this in the past few weeks!


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Year Two brought the house down literally with their “Great Fire of London Day” where they learnt all about the context of the fire, built their own Tudor houses and then set fire to them on the playground! This was the launch of their history topic and has been a great reference point for all subsequent learning.

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Our Year Three and Four children (it was a double-whammy this year due to covid!) both experienced a 2-night residential at a PGL activity centre in Caythorpe, Lincolnshire. The children loved all of the wonderful opportunities on offer and they certainly displayed our school values during their stay. The children got to experience climbing, rafting, archery, team-building games, orienteering and much more! For many children, this was their first experience away from home and it really developed their independence. As ever, huge thanks to the dedicated team of staff who accompanied the children and made this possible.

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Led by our Modern Foreign Languages leader, Mrs Jo Bromilow, the children in Year 5 have loved corresponding with their pen pals in France. Our EBPS children wrote letters half in English and half in French and there was much excitement when they received some dual-language letters back in the post!

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We are also privileged to have a group of very committed governors at our school who visit regularly and ensure the school is running as it should be and who offer support and challenge to me in my leadership of the school. Furthermore, our governors offer their own unique skillsets to the children too! One of our governors brough in his fossil collection to show Year Six as they were learning about fossils and evolution in their science topic. The children were fascinated by this hands-on learning and really grateful for the experience. Thank you, Dr. Lloyd-Staples.

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As the saying goes, and as I have said here before, “It takes a village to raise a child.” We are grateful for all of the support we receive from the village, especially from our friends at All Saints Church who frequently write us lovely cards and letters and bring in lots of treats for our staffrooms! We are also looking forward to several visits from Reverend Jenny Ingram very soon for our RE lessons.

If anyone in the village is able to lend a hand to our “Groundforce” day on Saturday 11th June, we would welcome you with open arms! We are hoping to spend Saturday morning replanting flower beds, improving our school grounds and enhancing our outdoor Earls Years area. If you have any tools, plants, pallets, flowerpots, etc. which would be useful, please bring them along. If you cannot help with manual labour but are a business which can donate / sponsor / provide refreshments for any part of the day – we would really appreciate you getting in touch. Due to the nature of the day, it is for over 18s only – no children can be accommodated as it may not be safe.

Miss Marie Lally - Headteacher

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