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My goodness, how time flies! We are into February already and our thoughts are turning towards half term as I write. Snow and ice have featured heavily in our thoughts too during this term. For the children any flurry of snowflakes has caused great excitement and anticipation, whereas for most adults they look anxiously out of the window and consider the risk assessments that will be needed should it continue to fall. We have to remind ourselves of course that it is winter and we have to expect some hazardous conditions – roll on spring! Maybe then we will have a lighter lost property box, currently it is over flowing with single gloves, scarves, hats and even coats on top of the usual shoes, jumpers and cardigans (all not named).

It has been a very exciting start to 2019. Children in key stage one have turned detective, having entered their classroom one morning to find it really messy, with footprints left on the carpet and items strewn around. The children accosted me on entry into school the next day to tell me, very seriously, all about it. Their excitement and enthusiasm was palpable. Thankfully, it was nothing serious, just another fantastic WOW as a hook into learning, carefully planned and engineered by our wonderful staff. Lower key stage 2 meanwhile, had a fantastic learning experience as their hook into a new topic when they participated in an Ancient Egypt day, courtesy of the History Off The Page Company. It was very well organised, thanks to the efficiency and hard work of one of our newer members of staff. 

This term saw children in years 4 and 5 starting their swimming lessons as part of their PE curriculum. Initially all children had an assessment to gauge their proficiency in swimming and water safety, which is then followed up by weekly lessons for all of those in year 4 and those in year 5 who need to acquire more skills. This is quite a highlight of the week for most children and it is very rewarding for the adults as they see the progress the children make week on week.

In upper key stage 2 there have been exciting events too. Year 6 children visited the Mandir in Wellingborough to enhance their understanding of the Hindu religion, which they are studying in RE this term. Year 5 children took part in a Science workshop, facilitated by Wrenn School but held here in our hall, about rockets.

Class assemblies continue to be held in order that children can share their learning with parents. This term it has been the turn of Bluebell class and Laurel class. The focus for the year 2 children in Bluebells was Chinese New Year. They all proudly showed off their lanterns, used their good speaking voices and sang a song, which incorporated them using the Chinese phrase for ‘Happy New Year’. The year 5 assembly was a showcase of what the children have learned about the Greeks. Each assembly was very much enjoyed by the audience, which included both peers and family. Meanwhile the whole of year 4 are rehearsing intently in preparation of their big performance of the year which will take place in the last week of term – more about this in the next Head's Blog!

Outside the curriculum, we continue to offer our children wonderful opportunities and experiences. This term this has included around 60 children participating in the Young Voices event in Birmingham. It is a long day for them, and the dedicated staff who volunteer to go with them. They left school during lunchtime and arrived safely back, albeit it in foggy conditions, at 10.30pm. Children and adults alike had a great time, as did the parents who booked tickets to watch the evening performances. Some staff were particularly pleased that they had the unexpected opportunity to meet Tony Hadley (Spandau Ballet) at the event, with the resulting selfies in evidence the next day!

Lower key stage 2 had a disco, organised by our PTA, in early February. This was well attended and the children thoroughly enjoyed the range of dances and games that the Explosive Sounds duo offered on the night. A big thank you to our PTA for their support for this event as well as the key stage 1 disco before Christmas, and to the staff who gave up their time to be there. Upper key stage 2 disco is on the horizon!

Our PTA are always planning events for our children, and their parents too, and we are always grateful for the time and effort they give so that our current, and future, children can benefit from what that additional funding can provide for the school. Christmas was a very busy time for them and we must thank everyone who purchased raffle tickets, with a wonderful first prize of a £400 drone. Hopefully their Valentine’s disco will be well supported in the community.

Of course, we also look to raising funds for national or local charities. Our Christmas performances saw us collecting for MacMillan Cancer Support with staff then organising several fun maths activities on Number Day in support of NSPCC. Our School Council are now busy thinking of how we should raise funds for Comic Relief next term, whilst our reading lead teacher is considering what we want World Book Day to look like this year. Lots of photo opportunities there to share with you all next time!

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