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As we move towards the end of the first term I am absolutely delighted to report that our school continues to shine. Our attendance is fantastic and this is a really strong indication that the children have settled back in to their schooling. I’d like to thank staff and parents for their hard work and support during what has been a testing time for us all.

I’d like to congratulate Mrs Clarke on her appointment as Deputy Head Teacher. We had a very large number of applications and attracted a very strong field. I’d like also to congratulate Mr Johnson on the award of a PhD. We will benefit from his work on inclusion and he is leading training in our school and across the area.




We have also appointed Mr Stockham as Digital Learning Lead (DLL). This role will support our home to school or ‘blended learning’ provision. In connection with this we are happy to report that the improvements to IT continue apace with new access points being installed which will support a reliable WiFi signal through the school. I must say a huge thank you to our wonderful PTA who have very kindly agreed to pay for these essential IT improvements. I know the PTA have a number of Covid secure events planned over the next few weeks including a Hallowe’en treasure hunt! More on this nearer the time from the PTA.

Our very first remote parents evening will take place this month and we are excited to welcome ‘Spotlight Events’ in to school who will be recording a virtual tour of our school by drone. You will be able to watch the tour via our web site shortly.


We are taking very small tentative steps towards normality by welcoming a science expert in to school to work with classes. All of the DfE guidance around social distancing, non-sharing of equipment, sanitising and ventilation will of course be observed. Similarly we will restart peripatetic music lessons with NMPAT after half term; again appropriate measures will be in place.

Although at very early stage of discussions, we have started to work with the local authority about possible developments of the school site. It is expected that our popularity will continue to rise and therefore we need to plan for how we are to accommodate more children. Watch this space on this one.

We have resumed our work with a commissioned Ofsted inspector and it has been reassuring to be told that our planning and priorities are ‘on track’ and that we are moving towards my ambition to take EBPS towards ‘outstanding.’

A central theme to help us in our journey to further improvement is to implement action based research carried out by Barak Rosenshine and his discovery of the key principles of learning. His work and findings will continue to guide our methods of teaching. It is a very exciting to see the effects of this work in our classrooms.


As ever reading remains a priority for us and for all schools. Please do try and listen to the children read each day. As a parent I know how hard this can be at times but the benefits are really significant.

One of the many lovely parts of my job is to award the children for good work and its been a delight to have seen so many bronze cards given to the children.

Very best wishes

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