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What a brilliant Easter break it was! Staff and children returned looking as if they had made the most of the glorious weather. Many children are wearing their summer uniform now, and we are trying to keep the heating down to a minimum. Of course, with summer dresses and shorts comes an increase in grazed knees! It is lovely though to see the children playing out without their coats on, not to mention the reduction in outdoor wear being left on the playground only to find its way into our constantly over flowing lost property box.

Our PTA have been busy over the holiday counting all the 2 and 5p coins that were donated for our annual trail, as well as all the money from our very successful Easter Egg raffle. The latter raised £934.05 with the coin trails raising £809.73. Never ones to rest on their laurels, they have now switched their focus to selling circus tickets. Yes, ‘Roll Up, Roll Up’ the circus is coming to the village! Just like last year for our May Fayre, a real circus will be erecting their big top on our school playing field on 17 May for 2 performances only. Family tickets can be purchased from the school even if you do not have children here. There will be stalls and dancing too, along with a bar and BBQ. Come along and join in the fun! 

Of course, this is a very busy term for learning too. We are mindful that year 2 and year 6 children have to sit their statutory assessments. However, we keep everyone as relaxed about this as possible and ensure there are lots of ‘down time’ activities planned between them.
Meanwhile year 5 children are starting their samba drumming sessions. The drums have already been delivered and I know the final performances will be thoroughly enjoyable for children, staff and parents. Other year groups have performances ahead of them too, including class assemblies from Violet and Daffodil classes – photos to follow in the next issue.

We are also looking forward to seeing who gets their name drawn out for being, not just the May King, Queen and attendants, but also the key roles in our June Rose Day afternoon and the village carnival. Fingers, and toes, crossed that the sun will shine brightly for all the outdoor activities we have planned!

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